Relationship between the different roles associated with a multilingual Web site


 Roles in multilinguality

When building a Web site, mono or multilingual, it can be useful to consider it as the composition of a series of roles. In this context, a ‘role’ is simply a logical function that interacts with other roles and has an internal coherence of its own when considered in the global framework. No further commonality can be found among different roles; in fact it is possible to view roles to be played by persons (user, designer, etc.) and roles to be played by technology capabilities (tools, content resources, etc.). The focus here is much more on the ‘roles’ themselves than on the ‘actors’ (or the players). This is because actors may perform different roles depending on various circumstances external to our multilinguality problem domain (e.g. type of company, size or positioning on the Internet market and product range or level of coverage for tools). A list of roles has been identified and their interactions belonging to the multilinguality framework. Some of these roles are general, but some others are specific to multilingual Web sites and some others may provide other functionalities. The following human-related roles are included:

  • Multilingual Web designer

  • Builder

  • Translator

  • End user

  • Web manager

The following technology-oriented roles are considered in the multilinguality framework:

  • Browser

  • Web support tools

  • Language tools

  • Content management tools

These roles and the relations between them can be observed in the figure above. A brief explanation of each role and its relationships with other roles is presented below.

Cited from: EURESCOM